Beyond their size, small businesses are defined by their spirit and their passionate founders. They invent and build things despite uncertainty, because it’s what drives them. Their risks lead to innovation that moves the world forward. And we need them.

This year has been challenging in so many ways, and small businesses have felt these hard times. While we are all social distancing, our dollars have not been going into local cafés and boxing gyms and bookstores. But many of these businesses have made clever pivots to service their customers without human contact. There are ways that we as a community can help our local small businesses.

5 Ways to Support Small Businesses While Social Distancing

  1. Buy gift cards
  2. Order supplies online
  3. Check local gyms and studios and see if they are offering virtual classes
  4. Share your favorite store names with your social networks
  5. Contact small business you know of or visit and see how they ae doing

Every Single Customer Matters When You’re Small

If you have turned to online shopping even more during this time, there are still so many ways to help out. Amazon has set up a support small business where you can shop local, meet the business owners, shop specifically female-owned businesses, and shop by curated categories. It has the ease of Amazon with the safety of shopping from home, but the ability to support small businesses and still make a connection with meeting the owners.

Check out this awesome feature here.

Disclaimer: This content is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, medical or tax advice. It provides general information and is not intended to encompass all compliance and legal obligations that may be applicable. This information and any questions as to your specific circumstances should be reviewed with your respective legal counsel and/or tax advisor as we do not provide legal or tax advice. Please note that this information may be subject to change based on legislative changes. © 2020 Sequoia Benefits & Insurance Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Brittany Murray – Brittany is Sequoia’s Wellbeing Market Analyst, where she works on the design, implementation and project management of health and wellbeing thought-leadership content and insights. In her free time, Brittany enjoys staying active and spending time with her two dogs and husband.