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Giving Back

Sequoia Cares and gives back to our community in need

Join us. We invite our team members, clients, their employees, and prospects to participate with us on any event listed below. Check back often.

Interested in seeing what we accomplished together during Global Volunteer Month? Watch the video →

View the latest impact report →

Ways to Participate

We can make the greatest impact when we work together. We invite everyone in the Sequoia community to participate, from Sequoia team members/families, Sequoia clients and their employees, and our ecosystem of carriers, partners, vendors and 3rd parties.

Upcoming Events Calendar

June & July

Mock Interviewing with Year Up

As we celebrate graduation season, we can help bridge the Opportunity Divide in our community. We invite you to participate in virtual mock interviews in partnership with Year Up, a non-profit committed to helping young adults gain the skills, experiences, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through careers and higher education.

To participate, please register using the links below:

You can invite your company or team to participate using this email template.

July & August

Back-to-School Drive (Virtual)

Join our nationwide Back-to-School Drive and help even the playing field for under-resourced students across the country. Click the “Participate” button to access the Back-to-School Drive links and an email template (Word doc) to invite your team.

Note: when clicking on the participate link, it will download a Word doc with a listing of different opportunities.

To view our full year calendar, please click here.

Create Your Own Impact Program

About the Sequoia Impact Program

Impact supporters speak

“Thanks to everyone at Sequoia, over 800 Ravenswood students’ lives have been positively impacted in some way. Whether it was a donated backpack filled with essential school supplies needed to succeed during distance learning, or a Valentine’s Day Gift Bag filled with sweet notes and treats bringing big smiles to their faces. Your time and effort made a difference.”

Jazmin Sosa

“Bring Change to Mind’s partnership with Sequoia and its team members has been an invaluable part of our ability to scale, amplify and support our students in this critical work to normalize conversations around mental health and save lives. We are grateful for the opportunity to grow this partnership and engage more deeply.”

Pamela Harrington

“I could not be more impressed with our Impact program. I always love to be able to give to others (whether financially or with my time and skills), and am delighted by the opportunities that Sequoia has provided to enable such contributions.”


“I was so proud today to hear about Sequoia’s involvement in Out of Darkness. Suicide and suicide awareness are topics that people are shy, embarrassed, or even too ashamed to talk about. I love that Sequoia is helping to change that.”


“I am grateful to work for a company that values and works to champion mental health and compassionate care. I lost my cousin to cancer last year and have found art to be very therapeutic in my grieving process. I created handmade cards representing our community partners and their missions. I hope that they bring as much joy to them as it did for me while creating them.”


“I just want to say how grateful we are to Sequoia for today’s excellent HR Thought Leadership: Building a Social Impact Program. Great insights, especially the importance of listening to your workers and having executive leadership engagement.”


“We reached our 2 millionth recipient milestone this past holiday and would not have been able to do it without the unwavering support and persistence of Sequoia and their clients to connect and uplift our community.”
