If you missed the chance to participate in and receive Sequoia’s 2017 Employee Experience Benchmarking Report, you can now get instant access to a sub-set of the great data we gathered. We’ve produced this Report Sampler to highlight a couple of the most sought insights gathered from our participants. This sampler gives you a taste of the types of data and insights available in the full report, which is packed with over 55 pages of goodness.
Make sure to get on the list to participate in the 2018 survey that will be launching Spring 2018. Once you complete the survey questions, you’ll immediately get the full copy of the 2017 report, and you’ll be part of the exclusive group to receive the 2018 report when it’s finished this summer.
Sequoia’s annual Employee Experience Benchmark Report is a compilation of often hard-to-find data from fast-growth companies. The 2018 report will be the broadest and deepest report yet, covering data and insights across domestic and global health benefits, perks and wellbeing programs, retirement plans, human resource programs and policies, best business insurance practices, and much more.
To learn more about the Sequoia Employee Experience Benchmark Report, and to get on the list for 2018, click here.
Thank you for your interest in the program – and keep an eye out for the 2018 Benchmarking survey kickoff by following us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.