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Sequoia Wellbeing Advisory Resources

Our Wellbeing Advisory Team is helping you take care of the wellbeing of your people all year long.

Wellbeing Advisory Resources

We’ve put together a toolkit each month containing webinar registration links, employee guides, short-blurb and email templates that you can easily share with your employees. Check out the schedule* below for upcoming webinars!

Coming Up Next:

Empower Your Health

Wednesday, August 21st 10:00am PT

For many of us, it’s hard to advocate for our medical needs. This month we will focus on how you can take charge and feel empowered to advocate for you and your family’s health.

Your Authentic Career Path

Wednesday, September 18th 10:00am PT

It can be easy to get swept up in hustle culture, but not all career paths are linear. This month, we’ll explore the balance between career satisfaction and aspirations for advancement. Learn practical strategies to excel where you are and build an authentic career path.

Mental Health Unity

Wednesday, October 16th 10:00am PT

This World Mental Health month, we’ll talk about how we can all be mental health allies in collaborating towards building a supportive workplace for everyone. We’ll break down the small steps that can be taken to assess and show empathy for our co-workers.

*Schedule of events is subject to change


Sun Safety & Skin Health

Protecting your skin from the sun is a good year-round practice. This month, learn how you can make the best decisions when it comes to skin safety and enjoying the sun responsibly.

Act on World Environment Day

This month, we will discover the crucial role each of us plays in preserving our planet. We’ll discuss the impact of human activity on our changing climate and explore some actionable steps to contribute to a sustainable Earth.

Your Mental Health at Work

This month, you will learn how your work and mental health can affect each other. We’ll share tips and tools you can leverage as coping strategies while interacting with co-workers, teams, and the work you do.

Getting the Most Out Of Your Benefits Package

When you receive a job offer, your company is providing more than just your salary. From compensation to healthcare benefits to wellbeing perks, learn how to maximize what is offered to you.

Mindfully Nourish Your Body

Join us this month as we explore the harmony between wholesome nutrition and mindful eating practices. Learn the benefits of slowing down and bringing mindfulness to how you cook, prepare food and eat.

Move For Your Health & Wellbeing

Energize your path to wellbeing to explore the transformative power of movement for your health and daily routines. This month, we will learn practical tips and strategies that can help infuse your daily routine with movement to enhance your overall wellbeing.

Your 2024 Wellbeing Strategy

Embrace the New Year with empowered intentions on your Wellbeing. This month, we will focus on crafting your personalized 2024 Wellbeing Strategy. Discover practical insights, expert tips, and actionable steps to ensure a year of thriving health and wellbeing aligning with your core values.